When it comes to Bollywood, there are few names as iconic as Shah Rukh Khan. Known as the "King of Bollywood," Khan has captured the hearts of millions with his charming smile and incredible acting skills. However, behind the glitz and glamour, there are some dark secrets that have been whispered about in hushed tones.
Check out the mysterious side of Shah Rukh Khan.
The Enigmatic Past
Shah Rukh Khan's past is shrouded in mystery, with rumors and speculations swirling around. One of the most intriguing secrets is his alleged involvement with the underworld. It is said that during his struggling days in the industry, Khan had connections with some powerful figures in the Mumbai underworld. However, these claims have never been substantiated, and Khan has vehemently denied any involvement.
Another secret that has often been whispered about is Khan's rumored affair with his co-star, Priyanka Chopra. While both actors have remained tight-lipped about the alleged relationship, the gossip mills have been buzzing with stories of their clandestine romance. Whether there is any truth to these rumors or not, we may never know.
The Eccentric Behaviors
Like any celebrity, Shah Rukh Khan has had his fair share of eccentric behaviors. One of the most peculiar secrets is his obsession with numbers. It is said that Khan is obsessed with the number 555, and he goes to great lengths to incorporate it into his life. From his car number plates to the release dates of his movies, Khan believes that the number brings him luck.
Another peculiar habit that Khan has is his love for video games. It is rumored that he spends hours playing video games, often late into the night. While this may seem like a harmless hobby, some speculate that it may be an escape from the pressures of fame and the constant scrutiny that comes with it.
The Controversial Statements
Shah Rukh Khan is known for his quick wit and sharp tongue, but sometimes his words have landed him in hot water. One of the most controversial statements he made was regarding the intolerance debate in India. Khan expressed his views on the growing intolerance in the country, which sparked a nationwide controversy and led to him being labeled as anti-national by some sections of society.
Another statement that caused quite a stir was when Khan said that he would not work with Pakistani actors in the wake of the Uri attacks. This statement received mixed reactions, with some praising his patriotism, while others criticized him for generalizing an entire nation based on the actions of a few.
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